God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede. -Oswald Chambers
Every time tragedy strikes somewhere in the world this quote...
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.
God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede. -Oswald Chambers
Every time tragedy strikes somewhere in the world this quote...
How many Facebook friends do you have? How about followers on Twitter? Since the earliest social networks, like MySpace, the number of friends you have on your profile...
In tackling the world of social media I see staying on top of the latest trends as one of the most important strategies you can have. This seems like an obvious...
Ok so I started off this blog with the title "Tweetdeck is your enemy", though as I continued to write I realized there was much more to it. I also realized I might hurt the feelings of my many friends who use the application themselves. So yeah this blog is not so much about Tweetdeck but more about the trap many social media users slip into. Myself included. The trap of treating every single social network as if they were the same thing. Though the reality is that every social network is different. Facebook is not the same as Twitter, which is also not the same as LinkedIn which is most definitely not the same as Pinterest. So why then do we use tools like Tweetdeck to post the exact same posts on each of these social networks? From my personal experience I, and many others, have done it out of pure laziness. Who wants to rewrite a post 5 different times for 5 different social networks? That's not very efficient is it? No not really.