Although this post may not captivate most readers, I felt it was important to commemorate this moment on my website. I strongly believe that celebrating our achievements is something we should always make time for.
Back in 2018, I became a HubSpot Partner and thanks to the incredible Agency Partner team, they encouraged me to make the leap into the full Agency program, now known as the HubSpot Solutions Partner program. At that time, I was just a solo freelancer primarily working with non-profit organizations. To my surprise, this summer, I reached a significant milestone that my account manager had urged me to set for this year. I honestly never thought I would accomplish it. This achievement, and the original decision to join, has truly transformed my life and that of my family (I am a father of two children). I am immensely grateful to the entire HubSpot team and the Solutions Partner community. Here's to many more years of growth with HubSpot, and most importantly, to serving the amazing teams and organizations that I have the privilege of working with.