
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.

Posts about Advertising:

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

"I tried Google Ads and didn't see any response, basically it doesn't work."

This kind of response is one I have heard multiple times from people who have tried tackling the world of Google advertising, especially in the nonprofit world. Though Google wouldn't be where it is today if this was true. I also know that many of the nonprofits I have worked with would not have seen the growth they have over the years if you removed Google Ads from the equation.

The Biggest Mistake I Made When Measuring Digital Marketing Results

The Biggest Mistake I Made When Measuring Digital Marketing Results

Stop making the things you measure important, instead start taking what's important and measure it.

Numbers are a fascinating thing to me. They are so absolute yet just like words can take on all sorts of meaning depending on where you get them and how you present them. In communications numbers are a vital part of receiving feedback to what you do. Especially when dealing with the online landscape. They tell you if people like, read, share, and ultimately respond to your message. They can inform you if you are wasting your time or maybe even doing an awesome job.