
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on digital marketing.

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

If you're a coffee lover, then you know that there's nothing quite like starting your day with a fresh cup. And while there are plenty of coffee subscription services out there, there's only one that's truly worth your time and money - and that's Trade. Trust me I have tried a lot so you dont have to. Here are just a few reasons why I think Trade is the only coffee subscription you'll ever need:

Why your Non-profit needs a better fundraising platform now

Why your Non-profit needs a better fundraising platform now

Non-profits are superheroes in addressing the world's most pressing social issues. Unfortunately, they often face the challenge of securing the necessary funds to support their programs and initiatives. But, don't worry! A well-designed fundraising platform can make a significant difference. By providing a user-friendly interface, customizable donation forms, and recurring donation options, these platforms can help non-profits engage donors and build lasting relationships. This is especially important in today's digital age, where donors are more likely to engage with organizations through online channels.

The Best Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder Setting for your Moccamaster

The Best Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder Setting for your Moccamaster

Why a whole blog about what setting to use on a coffee grinder? You see I often refer to myself as a 'reluctant coffee snob'. I spent 16 years of my life in Australia which over that time established itself as one of the mecca's of third wave coffee. Or simply put, Australia roasts and makes great coffee. So whether I wanted it or not I was constantly provided with a great cup. This has made my taste buds definitely turn a bit snobby. Once I moved back to America I had to adjust a bit and decided to step up my at home coffee game.

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

Ok to start with I have to admit that I am not a web developer by any means. My knowledge of HTML and CSS is incredibly basic. Though I want to share from that perspective as I am sure most people reading this are in the same boat. If you are a developer and are looking for more advanced techniques than I encourage you to jump right back to Google to continue your dive.

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

"I tried Google Ads and didn't see any response, basically it doesn't work."

This kind of response is one I have heard multiple times from people who have tried tackling the world of Google advertising, especially in the nonprofit world. Though Google wouldn't be where it is today if this was true. I also know that many of the nonprofits I have worked with would not have seen the growth they have over the years if you removed Google Ads from the equation.