
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.

The Power of Personal Connection: How Phone Calls Can Boost Non-Profit Engagement

The Power of Personal Connection: How Phone Calls Can Boost Non-Profit Engagement

In today's digital age, the art of personal communication has been replaced by emails and social media messages. However, for non-profit organizations, a simple phone call can work wonders in building a stronger relationship with their audience. Phone calls provide a unique opportunity for non-profits to connect with their donors and volunteers on a personal level, which can lead to a greater understanding of their needs, motivations, and interests. It's through these conversations that non-profits can show their donors and volunteers that they're not just a name on a spreadsheet, but a valued member of the community.

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

If you're a coffee lover, then you know that there's nothing quite like starting your day with a fresh cup. And while there are plenty of coffee subscription services out there, there's only one that's truly worth your time and money - and that's Trade. Trust me I have tried a lot so you dont have to. Here are just a few reasons why I think Trade is the only coffee subscription you'll ever need:

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

Ok to start with I have to admit that I am not a web developer by any means. My knowledge of HTML and CSS is incredibly basic. Though I want to share from that perspective as I am sure most people reading this are in the same boat. If you are a developer and are looking for more advanced techniques than I encourage you to jump right back to Google to continue your dive.