
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.

The Best Fundraising Platform If you Use HubSpot, And Even If You Don't.

The Best Fundraising Platform If you Use HubSpot, And Even If You Don't.

With over 20 years of experience working with and for non-profits, I've come to understand the critical role fundraising plays in helping these organizations achieve their goals. As a communications specialist, I've worked on numerous campaigns and events - some successful, and some not so much. However, one of the most frustrating and time-consuming aspects for me has been dealing with the clunky platforms and services we've had to use to manage donations. Not only are they difficult to set up

The Power of Personal Connection: How Phone Calls Can Boost Non-Profit Engagement

The Power of Personal Connection: How Phone Calls Can Boost Non-Profit Engagement

In today's digital age, the art of personal communication has been replaced by emails and social media messages. However, for non-profit organizations, a simple phone call can work wonders in building a stronger relationship with their audience. Phone calls provide a unique opportunity for non-profits to connect with their donors and volunteers on a personal level, which can lead to a greater understanding of their needs, motivations, and interests. It's through these conversations that non-profits can show their donors and volunteers that they're not just a name on a spreadsheet, but a valued member of the community.

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

4 Reasons Trade Is The Only Coffee Subscription You Will Ever Need

If you're a coffee lover, then you know that there's nothing quite like starting your day with a fresh cup. And while there are plenty of coffee subscription services out there, there's only one that's truly worth your time and money - and that's Trade. Trust me I have tried a lot so you dont have to. Here are just a few reasons why I think Trade is the only coffee subscription you'll ever need:

The Best Baratza Encore Grind Settings for your Moccamaster Coffee Maker

The Best Baratza Encore Grind Settings for your Moccamaster Coffee Maker

Why a whole blog about what grind size or setting to use on a coffee grinder? Because when I tried to Google it myself I found there were way to many varied answers and nothing simple and clear. So with some testing of my own I wanted to share it with you. This is the grinder and setup I used for over 6 years.

Don't have a Baratza Encore Grinder yet? CLICK HERE to get one, and thank me later.

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

The Fastest Way To Improve Your Website's Page Speed

Ok to start with I have to admit that I am not a web developer by any means. My knowledge of HTML and CSS is incredibly basic. Though I want to share from that perspective as I am sure most people reading this are in the same boat. If you are a developer and are looking for more advanced techniques than I encourage you to jump right back to Google to continue your dive.