
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.

Posts about Marketing:

Typeform: The Ultimate HubSpot Form Builder

Typeform: The Ultimate HubSpot Form Builder

When it comes to creating more intricate forms, many HubSpot users find themselves in need of a solution beyond the capabilities of HubSpot's native form builder. This is especially true for those interested in advanced features like scored quizzes or assessments. After exploring various options over the years, there is one tool that stands out as my top recommendation, regardless of whether you use HubSpot or not. Here are some compelling reasons why I believe it's the best choice.

7 Things To Help Grow Your Nonprofit's Marketing

7 Things To Help Grow Your Nonprofit's Marketing

As a nonprofit venturing into the world of digital marketing, it can be overwhelming. The sheer amount of noise and the pace of change can be mind-boggling. However, as someone who has worked with nonprofits for over two decades, I can say that success is achievable if you are willing to put in the effort. While this list is not exhaustive, I want to share a few strategies that I've observed from successful nonprofits I've worked with.

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

8 Tips For Nonprofits Getting Started On Google Ads

"I tried Google Ads and didn't see any response, basically it doesn't work."

This kind of response is one I have heard multiple times from people who have tried tackling the world of Google advertising, especially in the nonprofit world. Though Google wouldn't be where it is today if this was true. I also know that many of the nonprofits I have worked with would not have seen the growth they have over the years if you removed Google Ads from the equation.

Why You Should Not Abandon Your Marketing Efforts During a Global Pandemic

Why You Should Not Abandon Your Marketing Efforts During a Global Pandemic

It's a global pandemic. Life has changed. Some businesses are being hit hard. Others, not as hard and others somewhere in between.

When things get turned upside down like they have, it make sense to go into "hunker down" mode. It's understandable to want to cut all expenses and anticipate the worst. You shouldn't feel bad about these very valid (and sometimes practical) responses.

Why You Should Never Run Your Own Facebook Ads

Why You Should Never Run Your Own Facebook Ads

It has been nearly a decade since I entered the world of digital marketing and ran my first ads on Google and Facebook. So much has changed since then and when I stop to add up the money (mostly not my own) I have spent on these platforms it is staggering. Though what is even more staggering are the results and impact investing in these platforms has had. We live in an incredible era as communicators. I often have to pinch myself when I think about the real life stories of people who have connected to life changing experiences through these ads, these small yet significant moments of communication. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Maybe it makes you want to go start running Facebook ads for your business or organization? Well I am here to explain why that is more often than not a really bad idea.

7 Reasons Hubspot Is The Best CRM For Nonprofits

7 Reasons Hubspot Is The Best CRM For Nonprofits

So what is Hubspot and why is it so awesome FOR NONPROFITS? 

HubSpot is a powerful all in one marketing tool and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that nonprofits & charities are taking advantage of worldwide. It takes those random notes, emails, spreadsheets, and contacts, and organizes them. It’s not just an address book but really helps you treat each individual as the individual they are. A critical factor in any successful communication or fundraising effort. Listed below are 7 reasons I believe HubSpot would be the best CRM tool your nonprofit or charity should invest in this year.

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