
A space for me to share my thoughts and resources on communications focussed on mission driven impact.

Posts by Daniel Norris:

Why I Left Social Media For A Month

Why I Left Social Media For A Month

I've been teaching and blogging on the topic of how we use social media for quite a few years now. So it may come as a surprise that until recently I had never seriously considered the idea of taking an extended break from it. I had only logged off for a few days here and there. That included time in places with limited or no internet access. These were helpful bursts that definitely developed good disciplines in my life. But an all out social media detox was never on the table. I had struggled to balance my strong stance on prioritizing face to face relationships with my growing calling to work in the area of social media.

7 Keys That Helped Our Online Communications Grow

7 Keys That Helped Our Online Communications Grow

2013 was a big year for me and the creative & communications team I am privileged of working alongside here at YWAM Newcastle. It took a lot of hard work and prayer through 2012 and into 2013 but the results surprised even me. Those included us seeing a 128% increase in web site traffic from 2012 to 2013 and a 342% increase in enquiries to our training schools. Though the main highlight was the start of our largest training school in our history this January. As a result we are being asked lately for what we think some of the keys to this growth have been. While this list is not extensive, I thought I would share just a few that I have been able to pick out as I look back on these past few years.

Why We Can't Travel Without Free WiFi & Social Media

Why We Can't Travel Without Free WiFi & Social Media

I am writing this post from a Starbucks in Pattaya, Thailand. Unlike most people I did not chose this Starbucks for the Mango Frappe in my hand or the comfortable chairs. I also did not chose it, like most coffee addicted college students, for it's free wifi. In fact quite surprisingly Starbucks in Thailand charges you to use wifi. If someone at their head office is reading this post would you please do something about this before my next trip? Though on this evening the lack of wifi is exactly why I am here.

What Holding Taylor Swift's Hand Taught Me About Social Media

What Holding Taylor Swift's Hand Taught Me About Social Media

Have you ever had thousands of teenage girls turn around and look at you with absolute jealousy? This was me last year as my wife and I were being handed vip wristbands by one of Taylor Swift's dancers. As I stood leaning against the stage all I could think about was "Why couldn't I have had these seats when I saw Coldplay in the same arena a year earlier!". Though as the show went on I was impressed at this young ladies ability to entertain and connect with the crowd in front of her. This was not just your ordinary pop star.